Weak Utilization of Multimedia in Iraqi Media

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Weak Utilization of Multimedia in Iraqi Media


Iraqi Media House

Weak Utilization of Multimedia in Iraqi Media


 In its 33rd report, the Iraqi Media House monitors the multimedia technology used in the local media after it became one of the most recent developments in the global media field during the last years, surpassing the classic media outlets that lost their luster in the news and reports after the information revolution and enormous technology in the world.


The media has lost the privilege of publishing news because of technological and information development and the spread of social networking sites.The task of delivering urgent news, including pictures and videos, is not the difficult task after the websites have given individuals the ability to transmit these news, adding to it a major challenge to the media at the core of their work, which stimulates media and press professionals to create new missions that appeal to the public, including the use of multimedia.


Multimedia can be defined as a combination of text, images, video clips, audio, graphics, graphics and maps, all of which are used or some of them according to the nature of the reports and the news media coverage hub. These media provide additional information that is presented in a visual way that attracts the audience and focuses on reducing text and multimedia, which provides a wider dissemination of these reports and is widely circulated in social media sites.


With the development that has arisen in the digital age imposed on the press material to be shorter, images and videos are larger. According to this, newspapers became the main victims of technological development and then the news agencies, so they had two choices: either to surrender or to close down, as was the case in international newspapers or to accept competition by developing their websites and disseminating news in an innovative way based on multimedia.


The Iraqi media are not absent from these challenges as dozens of newspapers, agencies and news websites have been forced to close, while others are struggling to compete in the face of the development of TV channels, which are equally difficult to challenge.


The Iraqi Information House's report includes monitoring of 51 local media outlets distributed to 26 news agencies, 13 newspapers and 12 TV channels focusing on monitoring the nature and content of their websites and analyzing the way in which their news, Using it in multiple media.


The monitoring reached to the following results:


1-   The limiting use of local media for multimedia technology in the provision of news services, And the commitment of the majority of the classical methods in the presentation of news and press reports through language texts with a picture often archival, especially security events and military operations that need to be updated images linked to news and reports.


2-   Multimedia media accounts for 40% of the number of reports and news published on their websites, and there was also limited experience of media productions in the multimedia manner, with the absence of certain media techniques, especially the use of maps, charts, and animation.


3-   Local TV channels are more interested in multimedia technology than news agencies, news agencies and newspapers that are supposed to be the most used for multimedia channels to compete with television channels, and to attract as much audience as possible through a sophisticated news service.


4-   Media attention has been focused on the development of the design of its websites in an innovative manner based on multimedia and the addition of new tabs related to video services, images and infographic, which indicates the existence of optimism in the future development. While maintaining traditional media through fixed doors without providing multimedia services.




1-   Media organizations of all kinds, visual and reading, give multimedia a great deal of attention to ensure access to the largest number of the public, and to provide interesting news items containing information and statistics instead of exclusive political opinions and public figures. This is done by providing its cadres with technical experts in multimedia, on the one hand, and training their employees, journalists and media professionals on the other hand.


2-   The journalist should make personal efforts (if not provided by the institutions) to increase his / her experience in multimedia technology. The future of journalism requirements exceeds the need for traditional skills in communicating news, conducting dialogues and writing investigations until he is familiar with technological and technological developments.


3-   Research and international reports on the study of public opinion indicate that the public tends to receive news that includes statistics, data, figures and information rather than statements and coverage of events, which would reduce the hate speech, which is usually the source of extremist statements and positions. Therefore, An opportunity to win the public and not get involved in spreading the hate speech, through the transition to multimedia technology mainly in the work of journalism and media.


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